Dentist in Wheaton | Smile Big and Proud
Did you know that smiling has several health benefits? It turns out that a simple grin is one of the most potent weapons humans have. Not only does it make us feel good, but it also improves our mood and increases confidence.
This blog post from your dentist discusses the benefits and importance of smiling big and proud. And if you don’t feel confident, we list a whole set of cosmetic dental treatments to help you achieve your perfect smile.
Good for Health.
Smiling and laughing make bodies release dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. These make us feel good, reduce stress and blood pressure, increase endurance, and boost our immune systems. Not only that, but some studies show a correlation between people who smile frequently and people who live longer lifespans. Read more about it here.
It’s Infectious.
Your facial expression is contagious, so they will likely return the favor when you smile at someone. So next time you see someone frowning, turn it upside down by flashing your pearly whites. It will cause others to feel happier and spike your mood too. And in today’s world, one thing we all need is more happiness.
Makes You Attractive.
Smiling makes people appear healthy and even more attractive than being the right weight or even getting dolled up.
People with cheerful resting faces are judged to be in better health than those who appear miserable. Beyond that, people are considered more trustworthy, likable, approachable, and competent than those who don’t.
We are saying, don’t go overboard on getting that beach body or buying up the latest fashion. Regardless of how much effort you put in, it is for nothing if it is coupled with a frown. Smiling is all you need to attract that special someone.
Benefits Career.
Smiling is a sign of happiness, confidence, and success. People who do it frequently are more likely to be promoted than those who do not. Smiling puts others at ease and makes you more trustworthy. It is vital in a professional setting where building client relationships with colleagues are essential.
Cosmetic Dental Care for You
Even though there are various benefits, not everyone feels totally comfortable smiling. People are often self-conscious about their teeth because of stains and crooked or broken teeth. Fortunately, your dentist in Wheaton, IL, provides a variety of cosmetic dentistry treatments to improve the appearance of your smile. Some of our most popular cosmetic treatments include:
20/32 Dental Co. | Dentist in Wheaton, Illinois
We have covered that smiling has both physical and emotional benefits. It can improve oral health, make you more attractive, boost your mood, and help you professionally.
If you are not content with your teeth, please contact your dentist in Wheaton, Illinois, to learn ways to improve your appearance.
Do not live your life feeling self-conscious. Please schedule an appointment at our dental practice, 20/32 Dental Co., today. We are excited to speak with you about your options for improving your facial aesthetics and brightening your smile.